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Part 1: The Most Influential Book in the New Testament

The Apostle Paul’s writings have profoundly shaped Christian theology, with his letter to the Romans standing as one of the most pivotal and influential texts. In a new series, “Repaving the Romans Road,” Rabbi Damian delves into the book of Romans from a Messianic Jewish perspective. This week, we will explore the impact this book has had on Western theology and some of the perspectives that have informed its interpretation. Join us in the weeks ahead as we reexamine this foundational epistle, uncovering its true meaning and relevance for both Jews and Gentiles today.

Part 4: Paul & Torah

In these first few foundational messages of the Roman series, we’ve identified what the traditional perspective has taught for thousands of years, reevaluated those teachings, and suggested new interpretations. This this weeks teaching continues along that trajectory, this time, revealing the truth about Paul’s perspective on the law—the Torah of Moses—and his Jewish heritage.tion goes here

Part 7: Works of the Law

What are these "Works of the Law" that Paul condemns in Romans 3? Is it the Torah, as everyone claims, or have we completely misunderstood what he is saying? In Romans chapter 3, Paul continues his dialogue with a critical conversational partner, introducing the term ‘works of the law.’ But can we trust the traditional interpretation that Paul is condemning the Torah as legalistic works for salvation? Or is Paul addressing his Roman audience, teaching them what they need to understand about the law? Find out in this week’s message.

Part 2: The Audience of Romans

To truly grasp the profound teachings in the book of Romans, one must first understand the audience Paul addresses. Without recognizing the specific group Paul is speaking to, the depth and purpose of his message can be easily misunderstood. This week's message, "The Audience of Romans," aims to shed light on the recipients of Paul's letter, highlighting how this context is crucial for interpreting his development and intentions throughout the epistle.

Part 5: Original Sin

This week, we dive headfirst into Chapter 1, where Paul is often seen as presenting the universal condemnation of humanity and explaining our “original sin” nature. But what if there's more to the story? We'll unravel a different perspective that not only challenges this traditional view but also reveals the true foundation Paul is laying for the powerful messages that follow.

Part 8: Our Father Abraham

In Part 8 of "Repaving Romans Road," we dive into Romans 4 and explore Paul’s continued focus on his audience in Rome, particularly how they can find entry into the family. There is still much talk of circumcision/conversion. But here Paul traces the story back to Abraham, the father of many, whose faith before circumcision opens a door for Gentile inclusion, and the opportunity to see themselves connected to the family of God through the promises made to Abraham. In this chapter, we see Paul continue to brilliantly illustrate to the nations how faith—not the flesh—unites Jews and Gentiles into God’s eternal family.

Part 3: Paul’s Mission

2nd Peter tells it plainly — Paul’s writings are not always easy to understand and can be easily misapplied. This certainly has proven true regarding the interpretation of Romans. However, understanding Paul’s mission and intention can help us put the pieces of Romans properly in place and truly see the depth and purpose of the apostle’s passionate work.

Part 6: The So-Called Jew

The traditional interpretation of Romans suggests that in Chapter 2, Paul shifts his focus to the sinfulness of the Jewish people. However, when we consider the rhetorical structure and flow of the letter, a very different and significant intention emerges behind Paul's words. In this teaching, we’ll uncover the true identity of the so-called Jew and what Paul is really addressing.

Part 9: Not Under the Law

In Part 9 of the "Repaving Romans Road" series, we dive into Romans 5-6 to clarify one of Paul's most well-known (and equally misunderstood) statements, "not under the law but under grace.” This teaching again explains the importance of understanding who Paul is talking to, why he’s saying what he says, and most importantly, what the practical application of that idea should like for his Roman audience. We’ll continue to see Paul emphasizing the importance of understanding the Law’s role in revealing sin, not offering salvation, and show that Paul never abandons the Torah’s value for all humanity.