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Latest Teaching:
The Weak & The Strong
Part 17, Repaving The Romans Road

Romans 14 is often misread as Paul dismissing kosher laws or Jewish practices, but is that what’s really happening? Rabbi Damian unpacks Paul’s discussion of the “weak” and “strong,” revealing that the real issue isn’t about food at all—it’s about faith, humility, and cooperation. How should Gentiles and Jews in Messiah navigate their differences? What does this teach us about the Kingdom of God? Join us as we challenge traditional interpretations and explore Paul’s vision for a united, diverse community rooted in love and mutual respect.

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Recent Messages

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    Repaving the Romans Road, Part 16: Chapter 12–13: A Living Sacrifice

    Romans 12–13 continues Paul’s teaching on community harmony, humility, and unity between Jews and Gentiles. In this message, we’ll explore how these chapters build directly on his earlier points, and now provide practical advice for living together. Rabbi Damian also offer a different take on the traditional understanding of Romans 13. Discover how Paul’s call to humility and respect remains central to his vision for a unified community, which we’ll see is really the heart of Pauls message.

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Sermon Series

Don’t know where to start?
This series will introduce you to Jesus in His Jewish context.

The Jewish Jesus

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