Please join us for a night of family food and fun as we enter into the first night of Hanukkah together! Sunday, December 18, 5:30pm Please bring your hanukkiah (Hanukkah menorah) & candles.
Latkes, Vegetarian Chili, & Donuts (donuts provided). Please sign up to bring latkes, chili, and toppings using the link below:
Adults & Y'Adults:
Adult & Y’Adult Hanukkah Sweater Contest
Wear your favorite, craziest or coolest Hanukkah sweater for a prize (ages 12 and up).
White Elephant Gift Exchange
To participate, bring a gift of $10 or less (ages 12 & up).
Activities planned for the children during this time.
Donut Eating Contest!
Shalom Macon is providing the donuts, so we need to know how many people are going to be participating ahead of time. If you would like to enter the Donut Eating Contest, please send Miranda an email using the button below.
Enter The Donut Eating Contest!
Download a coloring sheet using the links below and submit it either in person at the party, or email it to